12 Apr 2012

Junk food #1

I have a very unhealthy obsession/craving for junk food, be it biscuits (cookies), cake or crisps, I am a sucker for the sugary hit and the salty overdose so yes that puts me in a bad demographic. I am not alone in this as the western world has a problem with people eating bad diets which of course increases the chances of impending health problems.

One has to have been living under a rock to not know about the health messages that come from eating such a bad die,t but an awful lot of us choose to ignore them. I had thought I was just week willed but as I gave up smoking about sixteen years ago I don't think it's as simple as just will power, though obviously this is very important

So what to do? I thought it would be interesting to document my battle with the junk food, which I take complete responsibility for, I eat it and nobody forces me to do so, but am I battling only my relationship with this muck or am I in a more complex relationship with subliminal messages selling techniques and culture. What I aim to do is understand the problem fully and play with some design based responses, it may lead nowhere, but I have a feeling it could be an interesting journey.

The custard tarts in the photo by the way will absolutely not go to waste.......

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